Monday 8 October 2012

Eyebrows, Nooses and Other Living Organisms

Top of the evening to you, fellow beans and ladies. It is I, the Emissary, the Lord. You may call me Bill. It has come to my attention that the Professor has been tardy, or rather, Obese. This presents a problem, for us bloggers need an idol, a figurehead to help us go on. Without our motivation, we may also become Obese. It happened to America, it can happen to us. The Professor will go down in the Blog’s pecking order until he is as low and as overweight as possible. That gives others the opportunity to overthrow him. But we shant. Hahahaha, I’m evil.

Moving swiftly on,  Resident Evil 6 is in stores now. So go ahead and grab yourself a copy. You’ll need it. We must have training for when the zombie apocalypse is at our doorstep. Besides that, it’s another installment in the series which isn't necessarily a good thing, for it went down hill faster than the Professor on a slope (he’s obese, remember?) Jokes aside, I’m sure it’ll have hours of zombie destroying fun.

So anyway, we are counting down the day’s until December. We all know why. For Armageddon of course. Personally, I don’t believe in such Mayan nonsense. But I’m always prepared. My advice: Stock up on Irn-Bru, pronto. If we’re going to die, we’re going to die with a smile on our face and Bru in our stomach.

In other news, it’s almost the October holiday’s! Personally, I’m not looking forward to it. I will be spending most of the time studying. You think exams end after school? You’re horridly wrong. I’m over 100 and I’m forced to study. I’m sure it’ll be fine though. Us intellectual types have learned to endure over time, we shall keep it that way.

I wish everyone a very joy filled holiday.

Au Revoir,

Oh wait, this title is irrelevant.  

Saturday 6 October 2012

Filling the Space Again.

Since everyone here are currently being lazy sods (including the editor *gasp*) I've decided to post up a little comment. Today, I am going to see a movie that I can't remember the name of with a group of my friends in unknown numbers to see it at an unknown time at an unknown place. What could possibly go wrong?

Everything. What if I meet a homicidal maniac in an ice cream truck looking like bloody Homer Simpson!? I'm sorry, I just naturally presume that a homicidal maniac owns an ice cream truck. Not sure why. Maybe it's the creepy music you hear from the truck; it sounds like a freaking mating call. Yes, the mating call of the ice cream man.

I'm sorry, that was rather cold-hearted of me. Oh what, no it wasn't! Not much to say here today, considering I've done bugger all for my entire week. I AM going to Tunisia though, maybe find some dead people (hey, it's not just Egypt that makes mummies).

I've also noticed how Atem from Yu-Gi-Oh is like the parallel universe version of Tutankhamen. Allow me to elaborate:

  • His father decided to completely remove all the the previous gods and replace them all with one god
  • When he came to rule at the fresh young age of 9 (it's implied with Atem) he returned all of the normal gods
  • He died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 19 (definitely in Atem's case)
And here I was thinking that Atem's story was completely original. Urgh. I became a fountain because you disappointed me. Either way, at least the animation and music is good.

