
Because of the fact that only a certain number of posts are allowed per page on the main blogging centre of this site, I thought that it would be best to create a new page entirely devoted to news that passes through the site. That way, I can also tell how many people actually read the news on this blog.
   News is posted in reverse chronological order, the first being the newest and the last being the oldest. Each new addition is dated.

07/08/2012 - It is Matt's long-awaited birthday. Congrats from the Kettle!

19/06/2012 - The 300th post is out! Whoop!

18/06/2012 - Evil's not as dead as she used to be, having just posted for the first time in at least three months. This is, of course, on a condition: That I, Pisces, must accept Herman, the friendly yeast. Don't even ask.
   Matt's also reared his Star Wars-like head (see his post 'Ketl of Fesh FanFecshun').
   Asides from all this, The Editor's started a war with Rinrei... Again. It is, however, confined to a single post. Here's the permanent link to this first battle:

01/06/2012 - A new month spreads itself before us for the nth time. Asides from this, we're also due to get Rinrei and EMoC's full attention directed at us. This should be good... Now they have no excuse if they don't post.
   If you believe Rinrei, we've reached the 300 post mark. Unfortunately at least five of those posts are in draft, so I'm afraid we won't be hosting a party yet. Rinrei, I count the posts that have been published, no more. But this'll all be repeated in the new monthly update, available now.

01/05/2012 - Script Frenzy is finished, and I'm very proud to announce that I completed the challenge plus one page.

07/04/2012 - The end of the first week, and the scripting flows well... But will it last?
   War 250 is won (though who won it is debatable). I'm wondering whether a War 300 is a good idea, because, you know... THIS IS SPARTAAA!!!

01/04/2012 - Script Frenzy begins.

27/03/2012 - I've signed up for Script Frenzy, and it's four or five days off now. Frankly, I'm nervous. I still need to create some characters for it...
   Expect April to be rough. It's Screnzy time.

01/03/2012 - A new month spreads itself out before our chins, therefore making a new monthly update avaliable to you. Here, have a link. (Hint: Click on the word 'link'. It's fun.)
   Also, happy World Book Day, people.

29/02/2012 - Protocol 1146 activated. welcome to the Kettle, Bill. Everybody, we have a new author. And just bear in mind, he isn't really an old man. He just pretends to be because his general demeanour is set at 'old man'.

28/02/2012 - Back from a holiday to the Bahamas, I've found that no-one's posted over the past week (give or take a few days) and have chosen to activate Protocal 1146 - the 'Extra Author' Protocol. Stand by for more...

18/02/2012 - Wonderful. Matt's decided to show up, and I've started up another blog. Visit to see it for yourself. Otherwise, read my post to do with the new site and then visit it. But a word of warning: You might find it a little... crazy.

17/02/2012 - I (Pisces) is feeling alone on the blog right now. After all, I'm the only one posting at present. Besides that, Matt's computer is broken and I've just recieved a notice from EMoC (I, The Editor, abbreviate her name like that) and Rinrei to say that they won't be posting for a while. Again. And, of course, The Editor never really posts anyway. Basically, I'm the only one sitting here right now. Get used to it. You could be in for a long wait...

16/02/2012 - Oh dearie me. Your esteemed Professor appears to have finally been driven 'round the bend. He's just gone and signed up for Script Frenzy.

14/02/2012 - Oh lovely. Another heartfelt day filled with pink balloons, chocolates and horrible pink fluffy monkeys dawns upon us. As I've said previosuly, I don't believe in Valentine's Day but I believe in love. Why wait until the fourteenth to tell someone?
   Happy Valentine's Day, folks.

26/01/2012 - Rinrei appears to be back already. Whoop.

24/01/2012 - Happy New Year, Happy Chinese New Year, and well done for surviving without Wikipedia for a day. Due to SOPA and PIPA, Rinrei's gone off to have a short holiday that she's labelled a 'strike'. I don't think it's going to affect the US government any at all. After all, do we actually have US congress members as part of our readership? If so, thanks! Listen to us. We think good thoughts. Don't shut us down, please!

17/12/2011 - I (Professor Pisces) have begun a series of different posts describing my view of time and what the theoretical ins and outs of time travel would be, all theoretically speaking, you understand. I'm bound to confuse some folk on the way, but I believe that everyone should be made to look stupid at some point in their lives. (Editor, if you're making me say anything adverse here, I swear I'll have your guts for tinsel.)

10/12/2011 - We welcome The Eternal Editor to the blog as our new editor. The Editor shall monitor posts so that whopping great grammatical errors shall be taken out, alongside any content I deem unnecessary or just plain inconvenient. I'm glad to have him around. Rinrei and Evil have already voiced their dislike for him. Matt just doesn't care. Does he ever?

09/12/2011 - I've been taken by surprise by having Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers return to us so soon. It appears that the blog has a magnetic field which attracts its authors. That's just wishful thinking; I'm pretty sure that neither Matt, Evil and Rinrei all forget about the blog whenever they have hold of a computer.
   I have created a new label for Evil's posts. This tag is listed as 'Words of Evil'. Be sure to click upon it whenever you want to see something in Evil's own series of posts.

01/12/2011 - Wow, it's the beginning of December already. Change your calendars, open your Advent Calendars and remind yourselves that Advent really started before the 1st arrived. Then check the main page for lots of new stuff. I'm sure that I'll manage to rustle something up.

30/11/2011 - We have added another author to our ranks. Her name is Rinrei. Be sure to check out her new profile and read her posts. All her subsequent posts shall be labelled with 'Rinrei'. Check 'em out.
   Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers has announced that she's not going to be around for a while. Don't hold your breath about getting her back any time soon.

01/11/2011 - The much anticipated worldwide event NaNoWriMo begins! The keyboard shall burn as my fingers fly across its plastic keys! Watch out for NaNo-themed posts this month.

17/10/2011 - I (Pisces) have arrived back from a slightly prolonged holiday, and shall rebegin posting interesting insights and stuff from today onwards. I shall duly notify viewers of any changes from now.

07/10/2011 - It's the curse of the teenager not to be told anything at all, isn't it? Well, that's how it is now. Last night at something like nine o'clock, I found out we were going away the next day after dinner. Typical. Just typical.
   As such, I am leaving pronto. I have had to wage a small war on my suitcase and organise some posts for the next few days. You should see them appearing very soon, ie tomorrow.
   I've also posted the first 'Sayings of the Week'. You can see that by clicking here. So the answer is yes: This series of posts are going ahead. May I remind you to post your feedback in either the comments or clicking on the reactions buttons.
   I have scheduled a story to appear on the blog tomorrow, so be happy. The reign of the short story is coming! Fear me and my power over words. Ha, it would be so ironic if I spelt some wrods rongglee write now.
   Well, as you have probably spotted from her earlier post, Coathanger Girl is off to Belgium with half her mini-Mafia in tow. You shall therefore be getting nothing from her until she gets back, when she will be posting her Belgium diary. See, we're always working here! Also, I have ordered Matt to contribute some posts, but I'm not sure that he will. As for myself, I've scheduled many posts for over the next week, and am away to write more now. And that's the news for today.

05/10/2011 - I have now officially stopped posting news on the main part of the blog. Just to say.
   Also, it has come to my attention that I have promised you stories. I have, in fact, not delivered on this promise to date. When I set out to make this blog, it was one of the big things on my mind: Publish stories. That, and blabber on to whoever was listening/watching.
   Anyway, this is me saying that I'll start posting stories soon. Just not right now. I need to write some suitable stuff, split it into sections or whatnot and then get it scheduled for posting.
   Just a warning: I might not publish whole stories in one post. This is because a) Most of them are far too long (I'm not a master of writing low-wordcount stories) and b) It'll build the tension, get people coming back, rank up pageviews and give me less to worry about.
   Comments on this matter would be much appreciated.

03/10/2011 - Have been joined by a new author today, Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers. Read her introduction in the post named 'New Members' on the main blog.

01/10/2011 - I have created (and posted) a scale that I will be using to rate things that I review with. Be sure to check it out and keep it in mind while reading reviews.

30/09/2011 - The creature known as Matt has become a contributor to this blog. Check out the post 'Adding More Water' to read his introductory message and other details.

If you've reached this point, then you have gotten to the end of the news to date. Congratulations! You've probably just read through the entire history of this blog so far.