Tuesday 4 October 2011

New Members

Readers, I'd like to introduce you to the new author of this blog, Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers.

Not actually sure what she'll bring to the blog, but much has been promised thus far. I look forwards to hijacking her work. Oops, did I say hijack? I meant read, and maybe edit slightly.

Anyways, here is what she tried to post before I caught her, edited the post, copied it and deleted it.

Message begins.

*            *            *
I'm going to be quick because it seems no one has introduced me yet, so here I am.

My name is the Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers and you must all obey me now. It may be hard for you to accept me, what with the other two carzies here. If you do not cross me then I'm sure you'll become some of my best servants/friends. In that order.

And to the Professor, yes I know you said you needed to check my posts before they appear on the blog but this one was just a quick post with me introducing myself so it shouldn't be too hard to accept . Besides I have done all the editing already as you can see...
And this is the Professor saying that I can edit your posts to say whatever I want them to say whenever I want. Because I'm cool that way.
   And no, you hadn't done all the editing yourself. I did most of it.

*            *            *

Message ends.

I'm sure you'll join me in welcoming Evil to the blog. Personally, I look forwards to seeing what she can actually do, as I don't really know yet.

That is all for now. Maybe. Probably. But I'll be back later. Like a bad penny, me. I'm always turning up. But that's probably because of all the time travel.

Oh well, I may die now because I have crossed the Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers. If so, see you in the afterlife. If not, see you in the afterlife anyway, but don't worry, I'm not intending to depart anytime soon.

I bet it'll be the fault of a certain evil mop when I do depart...


Matt said...

Yes. Me and Pixies are carzies. Complete carzies.

Professor Pisces said...

Ignore the mad boy.