Friday 14 October 2011

Sayings of the Week - Writing

I am a bit of a writer. I enjoy writing as a hobby, and will hopefully enjoy it as a career someday too. I write this blog, for example. I'm sure any magazine would pay me at some point to write an article.

But that's not what you're looking at this for. This is, after all, a 'Sayings of the Week' post, not one of my incredible, insightful monologues. So onto that instead.

This week, I've lined up some quotes, quips and proverbs to do with writing, books and whatnot. But I'm not promising you a quip, a proverb and a quote. I'm just saying that they'll be like that.

1. He who can, does. He who can't, writes.

2. Books are like movies with subtitles, except the movie isn't on screen.

3. I wrote a person's biography once. I took it to them and told them, "I don't know how to finish this off. Help me, please." So they took it away and read it through. After reading it, they committed suicide. Thanks," I said. "That's the perfect ending."

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