Tuesday 25 October 2011

iPods Falling From the Sky - Oh My Gosh!

Isn't it interesting when you're just walking along the street and something drops out of the sky and lands in front of you? It's like God is giving you a present. Unfortunately, when an eagle tries the same thing, it ends up killing someone with a tortoise.

Anyway, I experienced such a moment today, when I was walking along with matt and Evil and a light blue iPod Nano dropped to the ground. My immediate thought was - "iPods falling from the sky - oh my gosh!"

Of course, the minute I said this, Evil and Matt both looked at the iPod lying on the wet ground, then at the clouded, rain-filled sky and then down at the iPod again. After a second, Matt creased his eyebrows and tapped Ms Cliffhangers on the shoulder. Once her attention had been gained, he simply said: "Cliffhangers, isn't that your iPod?"

So the mood was spoilt. Evil grabbed the iPod before the light drizzle could get to it and shoved it in her coat pocket. So the moment ended.

Still, it got me thinking. What if things actually did fall from the sky every so often? I mean, I know that certain stuff does that, like rain and hail and snow and other variants of precipitation, but what if useful stuff fell from the sky? Don't say meteors or satellites. They aren't useful to us mortals. I mean stuff like, I don't know, diamonds and iPods and cool stuff. Don't say aliens. They don't exist until observed. Subtle Quantum Theory reference there, people.

If any of you watched the recent series of The Sarah Jane Adventures, a spin-off of Doctor Who, then you would know that fish are said to fall from the sky at times. The cause is said to be freak weather systems, although all this was said on a kid's TV programme, so I wouldn't bet money on its accuracy. (Before you ask, I was watching it because I am a diehard fan of Doctor Who and therefore its spin-off series, which mean Torchwood and the SJA.)

But wouldn't it be great if it rained cats and dogs sometimes? I mean yeah, it would be a bit dangerous and cat- and dog-blood would suddenly cover your car, but it would be a novelty.

So maybe random things falling from the sky isn't all that great an idea. Animal slaughter on a hideously large scale wouldn't be that great. But it would be nice if, every once in a while, something remotely cool (no, NOT asteroids!) fell from the sky and into our laps. I'm actually not sure what my point is, other than that iPods raining from the sky would make Apple go broke and possibly destroy the environment a bit faster.

I have now run out of steam and shall retreat to my paradox-sustaining time machine to converse with myself. I leave you in peace. For now.

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