Friday 7 October 2011

The Fades, Episode Three - An Episode Review

So, another episode of The Fades has aired, which means that it's time for another episode review.

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Paul and his mouthy pal Mac are back again for the third week running, this time seeing Mac have a very bad, lonely birthday where no-one actually remembers it or gives him any presents. Besides this, Paul is getting on well with Jay, but also glues his sister's mouth shut using his 'super powers', as Mac calls them. Funny, scary and a little bit strange too. Except just about nothing comes of it. Bummer.

So Helen is needing to make the ascension soon, which means she and Neil have to work fast before she passes on. With her guidance, Neil calls all the other Angelics (yes, that's the name given to the group of freaks with powers that combat Fades) to him, and they set about making a plan. Paul is now generally accepted to be one of them, and impresses them all by healing spectacular wounds inflicted on Neil.

While all this is happening, our old favourite Mr Psycho Zombie Fade has gone into a pupal stage in some dingy sewer somewhere. What he's turning into I myself don't know, but when he emerges it's not going to be good...

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Well, what I can say about this ep. is that the Fades themselves play a much smaller role, at least for the most part. They're still there, but they haven't killed anyone in a while and seem to not care too much if they're caught by, say, the Angelics. I'm not hinting at anything to do with the episode here. (Hint, hint.) Instead, this one is focussing on exploring the character's personality. For example, we see Mac not making a joke for the first time. That is unusual. The world really must be coming to an end, or someone has forgotten that it's his birthday.

This episode is about friendship, not monsters. Paul and Jay's relationship progresses, and his friendship with Paul gets better via three cans of shaving foam and a couple of balloons.

And then Paul gets killed, right at the end. But that's no big deal.

I think I'll give this episode a six-point-nine (6.9) on my metre of super-osity. It's got some good story, but there's not quite enough of the Fades themselves and there's too much sex. I don't think there should be much of that sort of thing in a BBC program.

You can watch episode three of The Fades by following this link:

That's all for now, folks. Check the news, as things are happening quickly and there's more stuff going up every couple of days usually.

Seeing as things are all fine and chaqua with you all, I'm out. See you in a week or so.

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