Tuesday 4 October 2011

Interrupting Myself

I thought I'd try something new today: A discussion. Read on and you'll see what this 'discussion' malarkey is. Or I could just tell you. Which I will.

Whenever I feel like it, I'll write up a slightly nonsensical fictional discussion between two or more people or things. Because I can.

And here's the first, experimental post. Comments, please.

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It is a common misconception that I am mad. I am here to tell you that I am not mad. I am so NOT mad that I go through sane and out the other side. Therefore, if I talk to myself then it is a mark of having too much sanity, or my past or future self has come along to have a word or two with me. It's most likely the latter, usually. As it is in this case.

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The following is a discussion between Pisces 1 and Pisces 2, two versions of the Professor existing in the same room at exactly the same moment in time. Unless you are strange and have a very rare, dangerous and eccentric anti-thermal energy powered time machine with a built-in paradox-sustaining bubble complex, do not try this at home.

Pisces 1.  Oh, hello I.
Pisces 2.  Hello me, don't you mean, Pisces?
Pisces 1.  Yes, of course. That is the grammatically correct manner-
Pisces 2.   -of speaking.
Pisces 1.   Don't do-
Pisces 2.   -that? Surely you mean-
Pisces 1.   -this.
Pisces 2.   Ok. I'll stop-
Pisces 1.   -if you stop.
Pisces 2.   This is starting to freak-
Pisces 1.   -me out. Exactly when-
Pisces 2.   -are we? Ok, actually-
Pisces 1.   -stop now.
Pisces 2.   I hate-
Pisces 1.   -myself sometimes.
Pisces 2.   Aaargh!
Pisces 1.   Aaargh!
Pisces 2.   Aaa-
Pisces 1.   -rgh!

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