Thursday 1 March 2012

World Book Day! Yip.

I'm joining the government with their cutbacks, so I can no longer properly say 'yippee'. I have to make it 'yip' instead. Saves pixels and light for your screen, so you can thank me when your energy bill is literally 0.0002 pence/cents/rupees lower than usual.
   I just wanted to say to you all that it's World Book Day today, among other things. What's so great about world book day? Well, the kids all get little £1 book vouchers (which, frankly, make better bookmarks than they do tokens), and a clump of very small books are released into the wild, to make their ways into children's minds. Unless, of course, you're me, and enjoy capturing them with butterfly nets and storing them on bookshelves.
   The arrangement for this year is set to be good, or so I'm told. Several very popular authors have written short story things for the occasion. for example, there's Charlie Higson, author of many things, but most recently the fantastic action/thriller/horror series 'The Enemy'. It's basically zombies versus kids. Just saying.
   Alongside Higson, we also have a contribution from Neil Gaiman (Stardust, 'The Doctor's Wife' from Doctor Who, The Graveyard Book) and Malorie Blackman (Naughts and Crosses, some other stuff). There's even a short story from Anthony Horowitz concerning the now-dead series of Alex Rider novels.
   Most of this year's authors have won prizes of some sort at some point, though I couldn't and wouldn't list them for you. Naturally, me being me, I am intrigued and am therefore probably going to buy at least three of them. However, it does make me wonder what's gotten into the authors. They obviously aren't making a profit out of it, what with each book being worth a pound and nothing more. My guess is that it's promoting them as authors and nothing but. But that's me.
   Anyway, I'm off to see if I can grab a copy of 'Geeks Versus Zombies'. Huh. What a title...

Happy World Book Day, folks.

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