Sunday 18 March 2012

Definition of the Day - Politician

Politician - A person who speaks a lot but says very little.

No-one really loves politicians for what they do, do they? They lie and they cheat and they mislead and they claim expenses for toilet roll. Then they get paid for it. That isn't fair, is it? They hold lots of power. After all, that's the point of their being around. But still, th outcome isn't all that great...
   Let's look at it this way round: What's the alternative?
   The simple answer is anarchy. To paraphrase my favourite book, 'In the abscence of a ruler, all men do what is right in their own eyes'. So if there wasn't a ruling class or party that controlled practically everything, we'd all do what we saw fit. The Birmingham Riots would be the tip of the iceberg.
   In short (and this post is short, so I'll go in for very short instead), the government is to the country what life is to normal people: It's not great and it's far from perfect, but it's better than the alternative.

Good day, citizens.

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