Friday 2 March 2012

Rinrei Rants No. 7 - Online Trolls

  A friend of mine, who I call Alois, has a boyfriend. (If you have homophobia, tough.) There was this girl (notice how I say 'was') who was flirting with Alois' boyfriend and ignoring both him and his boyfriend when they did not like this flirting. She started whining and being an overall fool - but let's cut to the chase.
  Anyway, Alois let this girl know about it, and so did his boyfriend. Then, the girl's sister (who I can call Himea) started yelling at Alois and calling him a wimp. She was trying to start a fight with him by making herself appear right.
   (Yeah right! Her grammar was worse than mine. Here's an example:
 I Saying that i'm not her other account you Brainless...and she isn't scary to message you back as she isn't your friend and I Don't care if see my way of talking is weird...why you keeps being soo Proud when every you talk about yourelf beside your friends...ahh I Know to make them love you..and when I Say that you Are a girl I Don't mean to hurt you cos I Don't care....My Grammar is bad them I Shall thank all of you Tsk I Don't even care All I Can About is to Prove that Alois Is A Stupid girl
See what I mean?)

  Anyway, when I saw her in this argument, insulting my friend I was like: Back off mate, or I will beat you
up. She thinks she can still continue on. She doesn't even have the intelligence or the patience to read a simple warning and even said to me: I'm not going to read that (*yawns*).
   It was only after a few hours of arguing with her (with the support of many other friends) that we managed
to make her leave poor Alois alone (actually, Alois is as violent as I, and was hunting for an ax). After ignoring her comments about her 'lover' and all that mushy stuff you expect from Twilight, she finally left.
   It was after this that we started talking about grammar (my fault, I was becoming The Editor during that moment and did a pretty good job) and food. We also started talking about our own weird languages.
   Moral of the story? There is none apart from maybe: Don't bug me or my friends, or I will post up long rants and I will melt your brain. Also, below are the signs of a troll. Above are the ways to deal with them.
Troll Face
(It's rather simple, no?)


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