Saturday 10 March 2012

Saiyuki - A Review

Hello, human-worm-monkeys! I am Rinrei, but you should already know that, unless you don't have the intelligence or patience to read the title, in which you didn't know I was Rinrei until you read 'I am Rinrei'). Anyway, my good slugg-like friends, today I am going to be particularly insane and review some Anime for you. In this case, I will be reviewing 'Saiyuki'.

I originally watched this show about three years ago. This was back when I lacked the skill to be a show critic. Luckily, I've had many cruel years of practice. This has made me the person I am today.
   Anyway, what was I talking about again? I was too busy rambling and not paying attention to my job...oh yeah, I forgot I can just read what I wrote before.
   Now for some background info, putrid humans. (I'm not human, you know. I'm officially a vampire.) 'Saiyuki' was made by Kazuya Minekura (or Minekura Kazuya in Japan) between 1997 and 2002, and has a prequel and two sequels. Naturally, this is an adventure fantasy story, as it was originally based on the classic Chinese tale 'Journey to the West'. (I suggest you read it; although I have no idea where to buy it.) As 'Dragon Ball' was also based on 'Journey to the West', I had high expectations of it.
   I remember when I first watched it, I immediately became addicted to the show. The characters were well designed and generally far more interesting than I expected. The show has a brilliant mix of hardcore battles to the death, as well as those awkward moments where you just want to go into a corner and cry because it is so depressing.
   Indeed, it has it all. Except for one tiny thing: The animation is horrid. While I can understand that animation skills weren't as good then as they are now, I still get distracted by how they animate certain scenes near the beginning. It doesn't have a proper sense of movement, and you don't see anyone react to a bunch of guys butchering everyone in sight. (Well, not the live people, at least. The dead are too busy being dead to react.)
   The show is rather rushed at the beginning, and you get the wrong impression of the characters during the first few episodes, but after you get about half way through it, it starts to develop into a well thought out and well designed plot.

Overall, I give this a 6/10. If it was re-designed now, I'm sure it would look amazing. Maybe slow the plot down a bit more during the beginning to build up suspense, but don't slow it down too much, or we'll get bored out of our wits. Keep up the good work!
   My goodness, this is short, let me put up a stupid picture in here to keep it going a bit longer.

That is all, human stinkworms!

Signing off!

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