Tuesday 27 March 2012

Nukes, and Their Many Uses

Everyone who is anyone loves a multipurpose tool. For example, take a pencil. It can be used as a writing implement and a dangerously dangerous weapon. No, don't look at it that way... It may well explode.

Imagine the following situation: You have a series of problems that need solving. You can't solve them by any normal means. You must find a single thing that will fix all the problems at once.

With this in mind, I present to you the Nuclear Bomb, otherwise known as the Atom Bomb or Oppenheimer's Bundle of Fun. As the TV show 'Primeval' once had a character say...
"Nuking ANYTHING works."
Let's face it: The good general's right. Drop a nuke in the right place, and you really do solve all your problems. Because, let's face it: If you're gonna nuke something, then whatever problems you had beforehand are going to be the least of your worries. Especially if you're very close to said problems at the time of activation...

So, to summarise: When all is lost, nuke it. Even if you're unaware of what 'it' is, nuke it. Trust me. That problem will fade into insignificance very fast indeed, particularly when the UN realises what's happened and who's culpable for it.

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