Thursday 29 March 2012

Less Than Three

I have less than three days of freedom remaining before I plunge into the Mighty Prison of Script Frenzy and join the other inmates in writing 100 pages of original scripted material. Yippee. However, there are one or two problems.

Firstly, I don't have enough characters. I have three characters already, but can't seem to find the other threee to five people that I need for this. Plus, I keep trying to avoid names of people I know in case I cause them to get a bit big-headed (like me!).

Secondly, I don't have a proper plot in place as of now. I have the beginnings of one, and I have several others that have sort of been sidelined until they're needed, but I haven't done any concrete planning. And that sucks. It means that I may well be winging it this month, and unlike with NaNo, I can't see that being a particularly good thing.

I'm now off to sort out these problems. I'm thinking that finding an online name generator would be good...

30 Days. 100 Pages. Are you in?

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