Friday 16 March 2012

Why Google Translate is Lame - Warum Google Translate ist Ode!

Google Translate ist die lahmste möglich Übersetzer in der Welt! Er kann nicht einmal übersetzen "übersetzen, ohne sich zu verwirren.Ich bin glücklich, mein Freund tut Deutsch, weil sonst wäre dasziemlich schwierig. Ich hasse es, wenn auch immer noch. Es ist absolut (word removed). Wenn jemand dies in Google Translate setzen, sie würden sich mit einem Bündel von Speiseabfällen, die absolutkeinen Sinn machen würde, zu löschen. Es gibt nur wenige Dinge, die ich weiß, dass es deutsche und die wichtigsten Phrasen sind"Tötet sie", "Krieg" und "Kampf", die viel über mich sagt. Ich weiß auch, wie Sie sagen, "Oh, mein Auge! Die Sonnenbrille! Sie tun nichts!" Denen ich gelernt ironisch von Gir, die idiotischen Roboterim Universum, das bekannt für Tacos Sympathie ist. Und ich zitiere: "Ist? Dass-ich liebe Taco-o-o-o-s" Ich frage mich, ob ich jemalserreichen sein Niveau des Wahnsinns ... natürlich kann ich! Ich binschon da! Nun, die meisten Leute faul sein und kleben diese inGoogle Translate, aber Deutsche, die zu diesem lächerlichenWebsite kommen wird mein Talent in der deutschen Frage zu stellen und beachten Sie alle schlechten Grammatik der 'EwigenEditor', das gebunden, um ein paar interessante Ergebnisseerhalten wird . Ich wette, der Editor wird entweder versuchen, dieseselbst übersetzen oder nutzen Sie Google Translate, um sein Lebeneinfacher machen, die wird nur sein Leben zu erschweren.
Wie auch immer, das ist alles für dich! 

Signing off!

Note from The Editor: Well, seeing as I can't understand what she just said, I'm going to pop over to Google Translate and (gasp!) translate that paragraph.

Here goes nothing.
    'Google Translate' is the lamest possible translator in the world! It cannot translate "translate" without getting mixed up. I'm happy that my friend is doing German, because otherwise it would be pretty difficult. I hate it, though. It is absolutely (word removed). When someone put this into Google Translate, they deleted a bunch of swill that would make absolutely no sense.  
   There are few things I know in German, and the key phrases are "kill them", "war" and "fight", which says a lot about me. I also know: "Oh, my eyes! The sunglasses! They do nothing!"
   I learned those , rather ironically, from Gir, the idiotic Roboterim universe that is known for taco's sympathy And I quote: "Is it? - I love Tacos - Ooo..."
    I wonder whether I can ever reach his level of insanity... Of course I can, I'm already there! Well, most people will be lazy and stick them into Google Translate, but German, to the this ridiculous website is my gift to the German question and note tied all the bad grammar of 'The Eternal Editor", which to be some interesting results obtain. I bet The Editor will either try to translate it himself or use Google translate to make his life easier, which will only to complicate his life.
    Anyway, that's all for you!
I've translated and edited as best I can (give or take, I really cannot be bothered with today). Only one question, Rinrei: "Well, most people will be lazy and stick them into Google Translate, but German, to the this ridiculous website is my gift to the German question and note tied all the bad grammar of 'The Eternal Editor", which to be some interesting results obtain?" Really? I think you got mixed up somewhere... But what do I know? I only edit inEnglish.
   Now excuse me, for I must now bake a most wonderful Kasekuche.

1 comment:

Rinrei said...

Since for some reason it won't let me do anything about editing so I can leave a comment, what I wrote there was "Well, most people will be lazy and stick this into Google Translate, but German people that visit this ridiculous website will question my German and note all the bad grammar to the Eternal Editor, which is bound to get some interesting results.