Thursday 1 March 2012

English Persuasive Talk

Greetings! I am Lord Billiam Harkin Hanselton. But you may call me Bill.
  So anyway, I was writing a persuasive talk for my great-great-grandson's English class (yeah, I do his homework). It's about things that I don't like, and I looked at it and realised, "This has a fair amount of potential rant-iness in it." So I think I'm going to let you lot see it. My apologies, but it has little to do with games. Here we go.

Call of Duty
I really don't like this game. It was a good idea to start with but it's just waaay too overrated. It's the same thing over and over again. It has to get boring at some point! Well, that's my opinion, which is obviously not the same as those who play the game non-stop. The idea of a game is that you can do things you wouldn't normally be able to do. This is just reality whipped not-so-finely onto a disk.
   Not only that, but if anything it just inspires people to go to war, making it look fun. Which isn't good.
   Back to repetition, this game is just the same thing. Shoot people, level up. Shoot people, level up. Now then, does that honestly sound like fun? Now I could say it eats away at your social life, but I'm not one to talk. However, the point is still valid. This is the WORST game for being unsociable. And in all honesty, even I've made better games than this. And I'm an old man.

Chavs and Neds
I can't stand these people, but then again, who can? These youths, clad in their designer sportswear, really get to me. The whole smoking, drinking, taking drugs thing disgusts me. The vandalism and graffiti too, and don't get me started on their exaggerated 'tough' gangster-like voice.
   Now some may say I'm just being stereotypical here, but chavs and neds are stereotyped like that for a reason. The fact that they think they're the best, even though they've not got a great future to look forward to, makes me mad. Now, you must agree that you feel a little weary when walking past a gang of these guys because there's no telling what they'll do, whether it be to enact violence or just throw you some aggressive verbal attacks. But the worst part is their taste in music, which includes the worst sort ever...

Rap Music
I cannot stand listening to this for a second. All it is is a guy saying random words to a horrible beat. This genre is only good for one thing: Causing headaches!
   Now I'll admit, sometimes rap can be good if it's in the form of comedy, such as 'The Epic Rap Battles of History', but when it's just a random dude, 'singing' into a microphone about how horrible his life is, despite how he will be the owner of a very large amount of money of money very soon, or just plain old complaints, I really detest it. Rap music can sometimes be used as a way to get a point across, albeit a bad one, but it's still just speaking to a beat. And some rappers, are, in many ways, quite a lot like chavs and neds with their bling and their gangster voices. It's just irritating.

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