Saturday 31 March 2012

Alice Human Sacrifice - Bloody Red, Part Two


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Alice Number One most certainly did do as she pleased. At first, she started small. You see, Wonderland brought out a person’s true personality and Alice Number One had a most foul and cruel personality as the Rabbit would find out later. Alice Number One, you see, enjoyed hurting things. The Rabbit had only caught a small glimpse of this when it first met her, but it would never fully understand just how cruel she was until now.

Alice started her rule by starting out her basic needs. Since Alice Number One was such a violent child, she decided it would be fun to start killing all the men.

When she got bored of that, she then decided to kill all the women and children. Some survived, but they soon wished they were dead. You see, Alice Number One had forced them into hard labour, working them to death.

When the royal family discovered what Alice Number One had been doing, they sent in some soldiers to stop her. What they did not expect was the fact that she was already in the castle.

Alice Number One killed them all. Not even the infants were spared. She then took the throne for herself and started a bloody red rule.

The Rabbit only discovered this when it returned to Wonderland to visit Alice Number One.

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Alice looked down at the child before her. It was the same child that she met three years ago and yet he did not look as though he aged a day. It made him appear slightly disturbing. He looked up at her and smiled. Although she was above him, she felt as though he was staring down at her.

"Hello Alice, how are you?" He said in a sugar-coated voice. It sounded incredibly fake to Alice, and that frightened her. "Oh my, look at the mess you made. This will take me ages to clean!" He was looked up at her again and grinned. "But that's okay, Alice. I forgive you!"

Then his smile disappeared and his face darkened. The change was so sudden that Alice almost yelped.

"There are things I don't forgive, though," His voice was suddenly scratchy and a lot more frightening. "I forgave you when you started cutting me up and I forgave you when you started killing the villagers. I even forgave you when you killed the royal family that had been ruling Wonderland for so long," Alice froze when he paused. He looked up at her, a new look in his eyes. "What I won't forgive you for is for taking the throne away from the real Alice,"

"What the hell are you talking about, you little brat? I am Alice,"

The Rabbit was right to doubt his need for entering Wonderland after all. He smiled a ghost of a smile and looked up at her.

"No you're not, you're not Alice at all,"

And then he left. He turned on his heels and skipped out, looking cheerful and happy once again. Even though he had disappeared, Alice knew that he would be waiting for her, waiting for her to let her guard down.

She would not though. She would not let this child take her throne. She had worked long and hard to get all this power and no threat was going to take that away from her.

However, she felt that this was no normal threat from no normal person. This would be a threat that he would keep, and she would have to fight.

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