Sunday 18 March 2012

Mother's Day

Happy You-gave-birth-to-the-most-horrid-brats-on-the-planet Day! Rinrei here!
   Now, since I was unable to bake that cake, today I will just have to make do with chocolates and, since I have plenty of time before that, I'm going to be posting up a little Mother's Day Present.
   So, without further ado, here's the story.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Lily stood leaning over her two younger siblings, who had just woken up. They stood stiff with their arms at their sides and a serious look on their faces.
   "Yes, Ma'am!"
   "Today's mission: Make Mum a Mothers Day cake!" Lily unraveled a large piece of paper across the table. On the paper was an over thought plan in red marker. "Pablo, you get the recipe book from the living room!"
   Pablo answered with a 'yes ma'am' before trotting out.
   Lily then turned her attention on her other brother, Gilbert. "You start to get out the bowls and whisks."
   "What are you going to do?"
   Lily smirked at this question. "I'm the oldest, so I get to take out all the food."  Gilbert was about to complain when there was a loud bang from inside the living room.
   On his way to the bookcase, Pablo had realised that he was not quite tall enough to reach the cook book, and had decided to climb on the sofa. Sadly, he still could not reach it and leaned further forward. He slipped and grabbed the book shelf as support, but the book shelf broke free from the wall under his weight, and they both collapsed to the floor as a result.
   Lily and Gilbert came pounding in soon after. Lily let out a gasp of horror and astonishment, before getting angry and yelling at him.
   "Now look at what you've done! You're going to get us into trouble!" She stormed up to him and snatched the book. "You can't even get one stupid book without messing things up!"
   Pablo felt so ashamed of himself. He was completely useless. "I-I'm sorry." He started to hiccup. "I-I'm really sorry."
   Lily turned to face him. He was such a cry baby, but then again, maybe she was a bit too harsh. She sighed rather loudly. "Fine, I'll forgive you this time, but don't do it again." Lily helped him up. "Oh, look at you! You're bleeding everywhere!"
   Indeed, he had cut his arm, but the scratch would hardly count as 'bleeding everywhere'.
   "We're going to have to wrap that up real good!" Lily began to drag Pablo into the bathroom and sat him on the toilet seat. She took a roll of toilet paper and began to loosely wrap it around his entire arm. "I see doctors at the hospital use this on sick patients, so it must work."
   Gilbert, on the other hand, had raided all the cupboards for potential pieces of equipment. Basically, he took out everything. Next, he decided he was responsible enough to start making the cake.
   He searched around the recipe book until a certain picture caught his eye. Just looking at it made his mouth water. This would be perfect.
   "Start by mixing flour in with butter..." Gilbert noticed how the author had spelt 'flower' wrong, and thought it would be best if he re-wrote it, but first he would need to find some flowers. The back garden would be a great place to start.
   Lily came back into the kitchen with Pablo dressed as a mummy behind her. She noticed Gilbert coming back from the garden with a bunch of flowers pulled from the roots in his hands.
   "It says to mix flowers with butter," he stated, dumping them into a bowl.
   "Oh, right." Lily looked over at the book. She would mix the eggs. "Gilbert, can you take out the eggs?"
   Pablo watched his siblings hard at work. Gilbert was struggling to mix the flowers in with a large clump of butter, and Lily was crushing the eggs in a bowl with her hands, trying to avoid cutting herself on the sharp pieces.
   "Lily, what can I do?" Lily looked down at her mummified brother and smiled.
   "Can you turn the oven on?"
   Pablo pushed one of the chairs over to the oven switch and climbed onto it, turning the switch on. He then looked down at all the buttons and wondered what to do next.
   Gilbert began to grow bored of his job. Nothing was happening. He needed a quick resolution to his problem. He began to look for the blender.
   Lily stopped when she thought she had finished mixing the eggs. The sharp bits had been crushed into tiny specs. She just needed to see how her brothers were doing.
   Gilbert dropped the flowers and clump of butter into the blender then flicked the switch.
   Butter and shreds of flower splattered everywhere: On the floor; On the windows; On the walls. Even on the ceiling.
   "Gilbert, you idiot! We have to clean this up before Mummy wakes up, and now you have to make the flower and butter mix again!"
   Gilbert was left to redo his mix while Pablo and Lily cleaned all the walls and windows. Most of the floor was covered with equipment, so they had to clean those too. It was safe to say they broke more than the occasional cup.
   Gilbert had learned to crush the flowers with the side of a spoon to make the mix work, and began to feel sure the mixture would soon be perfect.
   "Are you done yet, Gilbert?" Lily asked, putting the last of the plates away. Gilbert stopped mixing and nodded. "Right, it says we have to put both of the mixes together in a baking tray." Lily stated, misreading the instructions.
   Carefully, Pablo pushed the bowl of unusual ingredients into the oven.
   "Now it says we wait for 30 minutes before taking it out."
   "How long is 30 minutes?" Gilbert asked, confused. The truth was Lily did not know either, but she was not about to admit that.
   "Until the clock says nine."
   To kill the time, they began to finish cleaning up and began to change into their best clothes.
   "I'll put these in the laundry." Lily said, collecting all their dirty clothes and shoving them into the washing machine. She poured some washing powder into it, and then left the machine to do the rest.
   The time was nine o'clock when the three of them entered the kitchen to see how their cake was doing. What they saw was the oven smoking and suds coming out of the washing machine.
   "Oh no!" Lily cried out, trying to reach the smoke blanket.
   Eventually, the smoke reached the smoke alarm and the alarm burst into a screeching frenzy.
   Their mother, Caroline, slowly awoke to the sound she presumed was her alarm clock. It seemed rather loud today. She yawned and made her way down the stairs; she had to make breakfast for the kids.
   It was as she entered the kitchen that she discovered her three children battling smoke and suds.
   "What on earth is going on here!?"
    The three of them looked down at the ground in shame. All they wanted was to make their Mum a cake to thank her for all her hard work.
   Caroline sighed loudly; sometimes she just did not understand what was going on in her children's heads.
   "I'm sorry, it was my idea. We wanted to make you a cake to thank you for everything." Lily really felt horrid, but she would not cry. She had to take blame.
   Instead of giving the children a horrible punishment like they were expecting, Caroline gave her children a hug, shocking them into absolute silence.
   "You idiots, I don't need any more presents. I have the three of you."

Signing off!

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