Friday 30 March 2012

It's Just a Flesh Wound

Today, I came to the conclusion that I am the most idiotic psychopath in the world. And I have clear evidence. I bet you want to know how I found this out. Well, even if you don't, tough luck.

It all started with a conversation between Skald, Pisces and I. I have no idea what we were talking about, but I remember we were looking for last names that ended with 'V' and Skald came up with 'Valentine'. It was here that Pisces made a horrible joke that both impressed and horrified Skald. This was in the form of something another person would say to this 'Valentine' character: "Will you be my Valentine?"

At this comment, Skald ran away from our little group in horror and attempted his escape. Of course, I noted this escape attempt, and bolted after him. I vaulted over the ramp and attempted to tackle him. Instead of dragging him down to the ground I lost my balance and, stupidly enough, fell over.

I got up and brushed myself down as though this werenothing (which it wasn't), and happily skipped (well, walked) back to the group with Skald flapping his arms behind me in panic.

I insisted I was fine, and to prove it I rolled up both of my jean legs, only to see I was not 'fine'. The first knee was perfectly fine and only slightly red, but the other was a completely different story. It was covered in gravel and blood was oozing down my leg. I looked down at it for a moment and laughed. I told Skald, who was the only one who had noticed before I rolled it down, that it was just a scratch, but I should see the nurse anyway.

I told the nurse that I had managed to scratch my knee in a fall, and she decided to see it, thinking it was probably only a little bit red and needed an ice pack. Boy, did she have a heart attack. I never understand people and why they think that deep wounds and lots of blood mean you should be crying your heart out.

While I was having my wound sealed and bound (although I have no idea why all those bandages are necessary), Skald entered the office appearing concerned and offered me free chocolate. I refused, naturally, so he took a seat and had a conversation with the nurse.

I remember, at some point, a random girl came in holding out her pinky saying it had gotten hit and really hurt. Skald and I found this funny because of my horrific injury, which I made a joke out of by saying: "It's just a flesh wound."

Anyway, this wound prevented me from doing P.E that I so desperately wanted to do, and stopped me from going on my daily wander. I also had Skald and his sister Bats following me around (not that I mind, but it's rather awkward after a while) to make sure I didn't damage anything any further.

But seriously, it didn't hurt at all, and everyone that saw it freaked out and insisted on absurd things like going to the health care center or hospital. I'm telling you, it's just a flesh wound. It's not like it'll get so badly infected that my leg will drop off.

So who do I blame for this? Why, Professor Pisces, of course. He told that horrible joke that made Skald attempt an escape, and it was my duty to hunt him down like the Terminator (or Terminator of Terminators, in my case). Now I want Fruit Pastilles. Gimme.

Signing off!

N.B. This is Pisces speaking. I would simply like to say that it was not, in actual fact, my fault that Rinrei bloodied her knee. It was Skald's fault instead. He was the one who suggested 'Valentine' as a possible second name for a Script frenzy character, so that was the basis of my joke. Therefore, it is Skald's fault that Rinrei died - uh, I mean, hurt herself. Plus, he was the one who ran off!

Blame shifting aside, I'm off.
   Pisces out.

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