Sunday 11 March 2012

The 200 Club

No, this is not a 200 Club. Not really. Not at all, actually. This is something more akin to a shout-out than anything else.
   Yup. The Kettle's reached that stage where we've published a grand total of 200 posts. Including this one, of course.
   Because I do love to steal the show, this is in itself the 200th post. So there. I WIN. Admittedly, no-one else was aware that it was a competition, but you do now, you others. Therefore, I declare a race! It shall be a game like not many others. The first to the 250 post mark is the winner, and I shall personally give the winner a bar of something or other. Probably chocolate. Anyways, some rules for the rest of you...

1. All posts must be at least 150 words in length and make some sort of sense, otherwise they shall be callously DELETED by our famed Editor.

That's all the rules I can think of for now. However, that isn't to say that the competition hasn't begun. It shall only end when somebody wins. I personally intend that person to be myself, the one and only Pisces. However, I'm sure everybody else is aiming to win themselves.
   OK, folks. Off you go. Cycle into oblivion, or whatever it is you squirts do when writing.

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