Monday 19 March 2012

Subliminal Messages in 'The Powerpuff Girls'

I'm one of those people who refer to old cartoons for inspiration (Rinrei here, by the way!), and I came across some old classics I used to love when I was younger. This included 'The Powerpuff Girls', a particular favourite of mine.
   Anyway, I having gotten to episode ten I have come to the conclusion it is far darker than I ever imagined it to be. Let's start by looking at the first few 'subliminal' messages I discovered...

1. It's safe for five-year-old girls to be off fighting people (or in this case, monsters) way bigger and supposedly stronger than them.

2. It's perfectly fine to arrest said five-year-old girls even though you have to be eight to be prosecuted.

3. Old men are senile and incompetent and will also let you get away with destroying all their stuff.

4. Hillbillies are violent and tend to beat up anyone that sets foot on their property. They also happen to name their banjo Joey.

5. It's fine to beat up you father's/mother's girlfriend/boyfriend if you think they aren't nice

6. Your father/mother's girlfriend/boyfriend is mean and will make you do all the work and will actually stay up until midnight to catch you making mischief.

7. Gang members have no morals.

8. It's perfectly fine for a 20-year-old man to date a five-year-old girl. Perfectly fine.

Now, if you watch the first ten episodes you can see all these messages secretly hidden somewhere in the episode (except for 1, 8 and 9), which leaves you wondering just how many subliminal messages are in this. I'm only ten episodes in; I have 42 more to go. Oh boy, I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Anyway, that is all. I'm too busy recovering from just reaching the deadline for my portfolios to care about anything else, so I'm signing off here.

1 comment:

Professor Pisces said...

This really isn't subliminal at all.