Tuesday 20 March 2012

Talking to Oneself, and Why it Helps One Revise

Everyone in my family talks to themselves, and I am no exception. However, there is a difference between my family and I: I talk to myself a whole lot more than anyone else. I only do it because I like breaking the fourth wall between me and an invisible audience, laughing at my stupid and weird life and questioning the things I do.
   I also do it because it stops me from being reminded that I am completely isolated. However, I also stop myself from feeling isolated by talking to my poor, blind teddy bear (blame the dog for ripping out his eyes, not me). Ted and I also sort of lean back in my chair and comment on things I'm watching as though there is somebody. (There could be someone else. Maybe it's a ghost. That would be rather awkward.)
   Then there are the times when I am just sitting in my chair, mumbling to myself. These unusual mumblings often bring up questions and answers that I would never have come up with within my own head, and also give me ideas for work; which is highly effective when you have Writer's Block or a maths exam to revise for.
   Usually, reading out stuff to yourself makes you realise how stupid something sounds, and gives you reason to burn your work to ashes. Another thing I once did was to use my audacity for a little commentary about something, and I learnt that my voice has a surprisingly high pitch, even though when I hear it, it is really rather low. That is when I came to the conclusion that when you speak, the pitch is altered as it reaches your ears.
   Anyway, talking to oneself is an effective way to learn, and also helps you realise just how weird your voice really is.

So off I go to dig a hole! DIGGY DIGGY HOLE!
   Signing off!

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