Wednesday 7 March 2012

A Most Innovative Use for the Kindle

The Amazon Kindle is an excellent device. As an e-Reader, its primary function is to store electronic versions of books and allow you to read them with minimum frustration. After reading the manual through, one finds it remarkably easy to use. And, with a little further investigation into its approved uses, one can put it to good use.
   It was but four hours ago that I realise that I did, indeed, have a fair amount of reading to catch up on. All of it was in the form of Microsoft Word documents, and with my computer unreachable at certain times of the day, i.e. when I'm out the house, I decided that something must be done.
   So it was that I made enquiries as to what I may or may not be able to do, and came to a simple yet effective conclusion: I could recreate the documents as PDF files, plug my Kindle into the computer via my USB cable, and transfer these files directly onto the Kindle by opening the Kindle drive on My Computer and dragging the actual files into the right folder. And that, my friends, is how I roll. To coin the term.
   It has, in fact, made a fairly large (albeit small) difference to my hour-by-hour life. I can now access any of my transfered files whenever I wish, assuming I have my Kindle at hand. I must say, I very much like this particular possible usage of the Kindle. And now, if you own such a device, you too can do the same. Because, my friends, I told you.
   You may thank me silently or by leaving a comment. None of you are goin to email me though. No-one ever does.
   Good day to you, day-dwellers. Read well.

1 comment:

Classic Blogs said...

thank you buddy for posting such a great article on alternative uses of the kindle.
i am now planning to transfer all my rate cards and company presentation in the pdf format on kindle.

may Allah reward you for your kind post.
Ansari Tarique Anwar