Wednesday 21 March 2012

My Weirdness, and A Gun

I pointed a gun at Pisces today. Twice. The first time was first thing in the morning after I had read his earlier post, which I found offensive, as I was almost hit by a car (I was actually being reasonable and crossing when the light was red, too; It was that driver's fault), and secondly because I just don't like people talking about how more people should die to keep the population down.

This was when I came up with an idea. I thought I would bring a toy gun to school (I'm obviously not allowed to bring in a real one), and I would point it at his head. What was going on in my weird little head while I was packing the gun into my bag was: I wonder how many people would miss him if he died? I'm one of those people. I like making someone think about their own value and importance in the world and how many people will miss them and for how long. Basically, I like making them feel worthless.

Unfortunately, Pisces is one of those 'others' that places themselves in their own category that is separated from the rest of human society. I find this category rather hilarious. It is a category where people do not know their own peremptory disposition and are willing to taunt the person holding the gun.

While Pisces is certainly not high on this list, there was this one person who had this sort of personality on a high level. This person was a (quite strong word that I, The Editor, have chosen to remove). I'll tell you that much. He always looked down on the people around him believing that he was above all these people and far more superior, which is why he had no friends. Whenever people tried to talk to him or be friends with him, his narcissistic personality got in the way and whenever it came to teamwork, he would be too busy thinking of himself and insulting others. When I was young and innocent, I tried to be friends with this person, but he looked down at me and said: Why would I want to be friends with a stupid brat like you? It was then that I realised that the world has more than just good and bad people. It also has arrogant idiots in between the two.

Anyway, that's not the point. So, I took the gun and pointed it at his (Pisces) head. He flinched for a second, and then started laughing. Little nut job. After an interesting little talk with the people across from me, still with the gun in my hand, I put the gun away and read my book.

I pointed the gun at Pisces again after he cheated at a game of chess with my friend, Bear, and I was given permission by Skald to bring out the gun. Of course, I did it. It was after Skald left that Pisces got annoyed with the gun pointed at his head and began to annoy me too. Then I shot him. In the eye. The truth was, I pulled the trigger by accident, but that doesn't matter. It taught him that I really would shoot, but the lesson is never learnt.

This point was proved after he yelled at me as though the gun was actually a threat. Was it going to kill some vital 'I NEED TO PLEASE PEOPLE' brain cells or something? Nah, he just doesn't like me with a gun and finds me annoying. That accomplished my mission for the day.

However, something in my brain tripped, and I turned the gun around and almost swung the handle into his face. I'm not sure why; something just irritated me all of a sudden. I'm one of those people who gets irritated by Pisces for no apparent reason. He's the same. Every now and then, he gets the urge to throttle me. I'm not entirely sure why.

Anyway, that's an odd post over! I'm off to find Area 51 now!
Signing off!

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