Saturday 3 March 2012

Free Hints!

I just remembered my interesting little code that I posted up ages ago. Then I remembered that the Editor is yet to translate it. As a result, I am going to post up some hints to get him (and anyone else who was stupid enough to try this) to solve my evil code of death.
   First of all: I put in spelling mistakes and random spaces to make it more confusing.
   That is all the hints for this post. Hope it helped. (Or made things worse. *Troll face.*)

Signing off!

Note from The Editor: You are aware that I just don't have the time for this? I figured out what the first code was ages ago. The second part is nigh-on impossible. Face it. Impossible codes suck, and cannot be counted in any competition held between us. So way.

Note from Rinrei: Then how come I know what the final three sentences say even though the coded paper is practically useless? It's okay; I've kinda lost interest in code. Learn your manners Mr So-way.

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