Monday 26 March 2012

Through the Rabbit Hole

Hello, children. (That was a 'relative comment' - no matter how old you are, you're still a child. At least, you are to me.)
Obviously, I'm referencing 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Matrix' at the same time here. Therefore, your reading this either means one of the following:
  1. You're questioning the nature of reality.
  2. You're simply asleep and dreaming something really, really weird.
  3. You're bored or you're interested.
If you answered with A, B or C, I would have to refer you to your kindergarten/nursery school teacher. If you answered 1, then I'd simply ask you to email me and we could discuss how messed up the world is anyway. And if you answered 2, then I'd ask you to get a CT scan, because medical science could benefit from looking at your brain. Seriously.

So, if you're here, you are seeking an answer, and I believe you know the question. No, it isn't 'What is the Matrix?'. Frankly, I'm not sure myself as to what the question is, but that isn't the point. Or maybe it is.

Well, one thing is apparent if you've lasted this long: You're completely mad. Heheheh, we're all mad here. 'How do you know I am?' I hear you cry! Well, if you weren't mad, then you wouldn't be here, now would you?

So, I offer you a choice. You pick the blue pill, and you forget all of this. You go back to your life as you were, with no knowledge of this post nor its contents. But if you pick the red pill, I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole really goes...But it seems I'm out of both. Drat. Plus, that wasn't a quote of anything at all. It was a paraphrase.

I enjoy questioning reality. It's fun. It's also an interesting, if slightly mindboggling, topic of conversation. It gets better when you get down to the nitty gritty existential stuff though. That's the tasty stuff. Yum. However, questioning the nature of something doesn't necessarily infer that you wish for an answer to said question. It may imply it, but it by no means infers it. That's an interesting key difference.

I have, quite possibly run out of things to say for now. However, it's safe to say that:
  • I have asserted myself as the Neo, Morpheus and Mad Hatter of this particular blog.
  • You're all wondering if I'm actually mad, or just experiencing delusions of madness.
If a person suffers delusions of madness, are they mad, or sane with a mad streak, or just doubly crazy?

Just a topic for conversation at the dinner table for you.

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