Friday 7 September 2012


Considering Pisces has written a post on what he is doing (i.e. excuses) I feel I have just as much right to do so as him. So, naturally, I'm going to be a lazy bugger and write a list (i.e. to do list so that I can't slack off and go on the internet for bugger all).
  • Finish 'Future Talk' (three more pages)
  • Finish 'Story of the Century' (two more pages)
  • Clean chapter six of 'Abide in the Wind' (because the world demands it)
  • Search e-bay for cheap wigs and a boat oar (unless Dragon really does have a boat oar and wasn't just trying to cheer me up)
  • Make costumes. (Yes, make. Life is becoming that difficult.)
  • Interrogate Pisces about the completed script of episode one of YYH Live Action (do this next week after he's finished his essay)
  • Plan chapter two of 'Future Talk' and 'Story of the Century' for next month
  • Start story for Writer's Group (first chapter done)
  • Update 'Alice Human Sacrifice: The Tale Brought to Life'
  • Update 'The Death Defying Marion Parker'
  • Update 'How NOT To Write A Kuroshitsuji Story'
  • Update 'Demon' ASAP
  • Edit out chapter three of 'The Black Firefly' for Bill then send it to her
  • Begin looking for locations for scenes for YYH Live Action
  • Start listing props
  • Design digital backgrounds
  • Complete personal experience (for Thursday)
  • Complete Psychology Homework
  • Begin searching for clip-on microphones and extra cameras
  • Once getting the script, announce the official one on the group
  • Then update images on group to show what we have and what we need
  • Add more money to the budget out of lunch money (in future add birthday and Christmas money)
And that all has to be done within the next week and a half. No pressure then. So, with that thought in mind, I have a perfectly good excuse for not being online i.e. I have a lot on my plate, stop bugging me. 
Now everyone else...hmm...I'm not sure about Evil who hasn't been online at all for donkey know how long and Matt is just lazy. Bill has gone ahead and blown up and no one knows where the Editor is. So it's just Pisces and I. Sorta. We're both completely overloaded with work, so that's making things awkward for us.



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