Monday 22 July 2013

Extinction, Heating Elements and Reasonably Large Tea Cosies

It disturbs me that, for some reason, this blog is still getting hits.

To all intents and purposes, the blog has been dead. The Kettle boiled and the tea was made, and that seemed to be that. Of course, there were attempts made to inspire some sort of restart, but at that point it was discovered that the heating element had mysteriously disappeared. That rather concise story, swaddled in metaphor, brings us quite neatly to the present moment.

Without going into temporal logistics, the present moment is a rare yet ever-present beast, its behavior something of a puzzle. It seems that, at present, I (Pisces) am replacing the aforementioned heating element in the Kettle in the undoubtedly over-optimistic hope of possibly making another pot of tea. Needless to say, even if I am successful in replacing the heating element, I will likely find that there is a country-wide power cut and I shall, once again, be left without the means by which to heat water sufficiently.

It is worth noting that in the land of metaphor, there is a law against such cliched similes that use fire as a main component. Blame the metaphorical government.

If you are of sound mind, that explanation probably fell between 'Little' and 'No' on the Sense-O-Meter. To those of you wondering as to where the tea cosy mentioned in the title factors into the equation, I must solemnly admit that I never had any intention of referring to a tea cosy in this post.

You may be expecting more from me, assorted peoples of the world. Tea may still be made using lukewarm water... it just takes a long time, and the result is highly disappointing.

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