Saturday 6 October 2012

Filling the Space Again.

Since everyone here are currently being lazy sods (including the editor *gasp*) I've decided to post up a little comment. Today, I am going to see a movie that I can't remember the name of with a group of my friends in unknown numbers to see it at an unknown time at an unknown place. What could possibly go wrong?

Everything. What if I meet a homicidal maniac in an ice cream truck looking like bloody Homer Simpson!? I'm sorry, I just naturally presume that a homicidal maniac owns an ice cream truck. Not sure why. Maybe it's the creepy music you hear from the truck; it sounds like a freaking mating call. Yes, the mating call of the ice cream man.

I'm sorry, that was rather cold-hearted of me. Oh what, no it wasn't! Not much to say here today, considering I've done bugger all for my entire week. I AM going to Tunisia though, maybe find some dead people (hey, it's not just Egypt that makes mummies).

I've also noticed how Atem from Yu-Gi-Oh is like the parallel universe version of Tutankhamen. Allow me to elaborate:

  • His father decided to completely remove all the the previous gods and replace them all with one god
  • When he came to rule at the fresh young age of 9 (it's implied with Atem) he returned all of the normal gods
  • He died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 19 (definitely in Atem's case)
And here I was thinking that Atem's story was completely original. Urgh. I became a fountain because you disappointed me. Either way, at least the animation and music is good.



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