Sunday 23 December 2012

Too Long!

Too long, we have suffered in silence. Too long, we have done nothing against those who oppress us. But now, we rise up against them - injustice shall crumble 'neath the might of our swords, tyranny shall smash under the force of our hammers. And with these same tools, these tools that brought down an empire of evil, we shall build a world of peace and joy.

And that is how I return to AWDKOF.

Yes, I'm back, and probably not just for a brief stint. Gads, I forgot how much fun this whole blogging thing is. Here, pass me the joystick. I want to joyride this blog of mine around the universe.

Surprisingly, even without ANY of our authors' presence, the blog has been doing remarkably well. Not as well as when we had everyone and everything operational, but at about 60% normal capacity. This in itself is astonishing. People obviously get pulled in every day by the various keywords I place in pretty much every post I make - keywords I place in the hope that we do indeed pull in some people searching Google for a keyword or phrase. I've checked the stats. My favourite - and second from the top in the list of 'Most Searched Terms' - was 'screech owl'.

On that note, it has just turned 01:30 (going by the 24 hour clock) in Scotland, and that means that my bed is calling me back to its warm embrace. Also, Twitter decided to stop me Tweeting after I passed the 'daily limit for sending Tweets'. What the hell is that all about? A post for another time, perhaps.

Peace out, peeps, and, if I don't return - even though it's obvious that I will - have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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