Sunday 23 December 2012

Tweeting to the MAX

I realised something yesterday: I can put sleep on hold in order to allow things to 'go down'.

I'm particularly referring to yesterday's (last night's, even) bout of Twitter warfare. Recently, I gave in to peer pressure and started up a Twitter account, justified as it was by the idea that perhaps, just perhaps, I could build up some sort of following through which to diffuse news of my writing life. Insofar, I have a large number of spambot users, a great number of people I actually know, and some writers who can hold their own in conversation. Naturally, I pwn them all, but no matter.

It was as I launched myself into yet another fray that I seemed to reach the optimum level of Tweeting wittiness. (And those are the words of someone else, not me. It isn't just me being egotistical again.) This was, mind you, at 0100 local time - so just into today. I managed to sleep eight hours last night. Good going, for me. Unfortunately, just as I reached the peak of excellence, I was struck down by Twitter itself.

Apparently, there's a limit on how many Tweets any one user can post within a 24-hour period, because at 0145, it told me: 'You have surpassed the daily Tweet allowance. Ha ha ha.'

This was in itself hardly a setback - if I so wished, I could have set up a new account and gone on with it using that instead, but the debate had ended in my victory already - but it irked me that Twitter had stopped my ranting mid-rant. Just so that I could have a legitimate reason to complain, I branded this a disruption of free speech. This is, obviously, a severe and (supposedly) outrageous occurrence. To be forced to wait a further eight hours before Retweeting something... Ugh. It's truly awful. Infernal system.

What really got me was: "There's an upper limit!?" The idea that they could impose a limit on how much I could Tweet seemed a little ridiculous. Ridiculous, that is, until I realised just how much I had actually Tweeted within the space of three hours.

Suffice to say, my sixty-odd followers got a surprise when they next checked on their feeds.

I can safely say that I have indeed Tweeted to the max, and for this I bestow upon myself the antsy title of 'Resident Twitter User'. This is where I would self-advertise, but The Editor's just removed all of it. (Note from the Ed: You're welcome, Pixels. You knew that, when you returned, I would too.)

Goodnight, everyone. See? I told you that this blog wasn't dead yet.


1 comment:

Sophiel said...

I do really like your writing =) you're pretty entertaining.
