Thursday 29 September 2011

Loose Changes

Hello to all readers! Things are coming along swimmingly with me at the Kettle, as I'm sure they are wherever you are.

Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to several changes that have been made to the blog. Firstly, there is the addition of a new Links section, which lists several sites that may be of interest to you, particularly if you enjoy my writings. The first, The Ides of February, is one that I myself contribute to on a fairly regular basis, but do not in fact run. The other, Skald's Tavern, is a good area to visit if you're into reading short stories or reading book reviews written by particularly moany reviewers.

Secondly, I would like to direct you towards the all-new Poll section of this website, located to the right of the main blogging area. On a fairly regular basis, I will make up a poll that has a loose connection to either a past, present or future post. The poll will stay up for a week, maybe two if I recieve a poor amount of feedback. I ask all readers to join in and answer the very simple questions that I pose. With this tool, I hope to better my understanding of what YOU, the viewer, thinks. After all, the viewers are what this is all about, ja? Also, this will help me with 'research' for future posts. Your contribution counts!

That's all for now folks! Keep checking back to see if any new posts have popped up, as I intend to be posting fairly often - at least once a week if I can manage it. I am deliberately avoiding setting myself up with a schedule, as I know that I will fall down and disappoint those of you who would hold me to it. (Yes, Skald, I'm looking at YOU here.)

Until the currents sweep me back, until the waves throw me back, until I simply come back of my own accord, I bid you all farewell!

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