Tuesday 27 September 2011

Turn on the Kettle!

Hello, viewers! I am the most enigmatic of enigmas, most fantastic of fantasticals, most egotistical of egoists, the famous Professor Pisces! I am here to begin a new blog for all to enjoy, in which I will post many things that will no doubt be of great interest to all.

OK, now that the first impressions are over, I'd like to officially welcome you to the new blog of Professor Pisces, but please, call me Pisces. People know me by many names, though I am not at liberty to disclose these identities for reasons that must, sadly, also remain undisclosed. I like to think of myself as an aspiring writer or author, though 'aspiring' may not be the right word. You see, I have written many things in the past, but none have been published - yet. In this blog, I hope to share with you a passion for writing of most kinds. (I don't say all, because I have never been particularly good at writing romantic stories of any kind, unless it's a sort of twisted romance where time travel likes to play a part.) Through this blog, I will publish to your eyes short stories, reviews films and books and maybe even show you how I see the world. ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dogs and cats (because we all know that cats and dogs are far more intelligent than us), I give you...

          A Whole Different Kettle of Fish!

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