Saturday 18 February 2012

A Blog Exclusive

Hey, folks. I'm feeling annoyingly springy right now, so it's quite obviously time for me to start something completely new.
   The thing is, I wish to run my own blog alongside this one. It's not that I don't like this blog; I love it. I just want one or two on the side that I can keep for particular subjects, as this one is, well, varied. 'Colourful' is the term that springs to mind. So it is that I'm going to begin another blog.
   "Wait! You did that already," you say. I don't blame you. I did, although I erased every trace of its existence fairly recently. (Did you see that?) Well, that, quite frankly, failed. Even I didn't catch onto it. I got maybe a total of fifty hits before I killed it. So it's dead and, because it hasn't the name 'Lazarus' and I'm not the Messiah, I'm not going to go about resurrecting it. On a sidenote, that blog had no purpose. This new one will.
   As soon as it is properly set up, I'm going to hit 'Publish' on this post and you shall all recieve the address, assuming you actually care or read this. You should see the web address appearing beneath this text very soon. It'll also be announced on the 'News' page and in the 'Sites to See' gadget-thing in the sidebar to the right.
   I'm off to see what I can do here. Then I have an essay to write.
   See you all later, though it's a quantum problem as to whether you get this message or not.

Visit my new blog, devoted exclusively to my writing world, at:
   Join me...

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