Monday 20 February 2012


Hello, Worms! How are you this fine morning? And by morning, I mean half six in the morning. I'm feeling awfully bored and twitchy, which is never a good sign if you're me.
   If you read the 'News' page of the Kettle, you probably know that I'm not supposed to be on here for a while. Just goes to show what I will do to bug people. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
   Anyway, my reason for being on here is different. I am accepting the downright suicidal challenge of writing a one hundred page long script. That's right, I'm taking part in Script Frenzy.
   Now, you may be wondering why I am going to be doing this in the month where all my major exams are. I'm doing it because I'm bored. 
   Anyway, if I can be bothered, I will comment on here during my vacation. If not, then that sucks for you.

Signing off!

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