Monday 9 April 2012

Comparing People with 'Hetalia' Characters

I'm bored and I have nothing much to say, so I am going to do the only thing I can do when I have no idea what to say. I'm going to compare people referred to in the blog to Hetalia characters.

To those of you who don't know what Hetalia is, it's an awesome anime that teaches you about history in a fun and stupid way with a funny narrator and stereotypical (close to racist) characters representing countries, but even the people from those countries find it funny. I suggest you watch it if you haven't; it's a good way to learn history even though half of it is pure rubbish.

So first I will start with the obvious: Myself . (Oh, how arrogant.)

Now, I am rather odd. I usually appear loud and incredibly stupid, but I have a darker side. I have few friends and I tend to isolate myself from other people. I also have an incredibly big knife (as I found out while cleaning the dishes; I went a bit insane for a moment) and can be a bit arrogant at times. I tend to scare people when I first meet them, and am well known for plotting the best ways to scare them. This makes me Belarus from Hetalia. Want to know what she looks like? Check below.
Enough said.
Next up is the 'almighty' Professor Pisces. Now, he appears arrogant and proud of himself (no offense Prof) and often corrects people. He appears serious at first, but is as weird as everyone else. He also cooks bad food. Also has blonde hair (now short) and green eyes. I have also come to the conclusion that due to his overactive imagination he has many imaginary friends. He has a posh accent and uses big words. I've also discovered that he can see the supernatural. Sinister. This makes him England, even though England is short in the show.
Professor Pisces disapproves.
Next is Evil, who had spontaneously combusted in the past month or so. Evil is a tomboy of sorts, and at times gives off a strange and disturbing aura of murderous intent. When angry, she tends to throw things at people, but acts as an older sister to a large majority of the group. She likes to suddenly burst into angry fits around people who call her short and knows how to fight (big time). That is why she gets the part of Hungary!
Did I forget to mention that she WILL own you?
Now it's Matt. Oh boy. I can not even begin to find a way to describe him. How to describe a strange creature? Well, he's human, to start with. And he's Evil's brother (secrets revealed). Obviously known for spurting nonsense and rambling about the weirdest possible things. I have no idea what country he is, but the best I can come up with is America.
Yes indeed.
Now comes the strange and mysterious creature known as The Eternal Editor. Not much can be said about him so far, other than he knows Professor Pisces and hates being called childish. He also hates idiots and bad grammar. At times he works against others and never ignores a challenge. He appears the most serious, and the one that gets irritated by our antics the most, which is why he earns the title Germany.
Did I also mention that he gets angry easily?
Now for the person known as Bill. Appears to be an old man that makes most people cringe. He is eccentric and weird, and is secretly plotting to take over the blog (yes, I'm on to you Bill). He does this by acting polite and acting as the back-up for us lazy troopers over here. Since I am now tired and could care less, he is officially China.
All your base are belong to Bill, no?
That's all for now! I'm off to watch Hetalia!

Signing off!

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