Sunday 1 April 2012

Screnzy at the Start

Yippee! Screnzy began today, and I have met today's quota - four pages - already. On top of that, I've added another couple, so that brings the total up to six, as you would see if you were looking at that pretty little page-count widget beneath these words.


Well, the first day's been a ball. Introducing characters and forming different plots is such a mentally satisfying excercise. Insofar, I've managed to squeeze in a hook for the pre-credits bit followed by a first scene. I've sort of started the second scene, but I don't like it all that much and believe it contains too much talking at the start. I also feel like ripping out the ending of that first scene and replacing it, because I don't really like it. Which is why I've just gone and done so, though I've kept the alternate ending as a scrap in my 'Scrapheap Script' - just a place to chuck those odds and ends that I don't want to throw out but can't keep either.

This leads me to wonder how Rinrei and Matt are getting on, for Rinrei at least has signed up for Screnzy. However, she appears to have a dislike for the page-count monitor and PDFs. Just check this post of hers on the Script Frenzy forums:
"I would say something smart, but I'm lazy and I've typed about ten pages of script, but this website only let's me use PDF files. DEATH TO THE PDF! Anyway, hi human monkeys."
I don't know about the rest of you, but I think that's a bit harsh on PDF files. I like PDFs. PDFs are cool. Plus, they allow me to store documents on my Kindle. Nobody can dislike that.

Well, I really should go and play some funky riffs on my guitar now, but I'm going to write more of my script instead. (Yes, that's revenge. If you are the right reciever, then you should understand that. Heheheh...)

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