Friday 7 October 2011

Goodbye My Little Rebels

Yes. Tomorrow I shall be flying out to Belgium on a school trip but you'll all keep the rebellion up, won't you?

So here's the really exciting part. Professor Pisces has asked me to write a little diary when I'm abroad so you guys can have the WWI history trip experience. What a lovely fellow.

But that's not what this blog is going to be about. Today I shall be writing about gratitude.

Just this morning, I went onto the rather popular Facebook to discover that one of my good friends had asked people if we should get our lovely teachers who are taking us to Belgium some presents as a sort of thank you to them.

You know the response it got? It was: "Not for Ms.                , cos shes a b*****!!!" This was from a girl who we shall call Cow Mcphersonen. (To the Professer: For that little quote, it was honestly like that. She couldn't even spell that one word right.)

Now I don't know about you, but I think that is a little ungrateful. This woman that Little Miss Cow had just badmouthed was the reason we were getting to go on this trip in the first place.

I myself found myself a little bit shocked and my hatred for Little Miss Cow grew at quite an enormous rate. I've had to hide it in Loch Ness so as not to draw attention to myself. But I began to realise that not many people of my age seem to look past the fact that teachers are human too. In my opinion, I would die a little inside if people didn't thank me for working my ass off so they could go somewhere nice. And yes they can be mean but hell, I'm a little sadistic brat but believe me people, I am human.

Anyway, I've got to end this for now as I have only just realised I have to get ready. Goodbye my little rebels, and  Happy Holidays wherever you are. But I don't care. I'm in Belgium.

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