Thursday 17 May 2012

Comparing Authors with Fire Emblem Characters

I apologise for this but we all knew it was coming. However, when it was coming was the mystery. Today, I shall be comparing myself and my dear companion authors with, you guessed it, Fire Emblem characters.

It only seems fair that we go in alphabetical order which means... Who's first? Oh, that's right! Me!

Bill: Hector

This character suits me for a few reasons, the main one being that he favours the axe. But this character is also statistically similar to me: he's fast, and he has high defence. Whilst this is all very well, his lack of health is a major disadvantage. His in-game attitude is also similar to mine: bold, straight-forward and blunt. This is me mostly, but people's attitudes change depending on their mood. He's also a Lord in his game, that's nothing to do with me, but I just thought I'd let you know.

So, next is EMoC.

Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers: Lyndis

Lyndis is an independent and capable young woman who deeply cares for her family and friends... Yup... That's about it. Oh, she's also in love with Hector. Hahaha, I jest of course. Also, my apologies, EMoC (in case you ever read this) but there aren't many Fire Emblem characters that suit you.

(Note from The Editor: Isn't that due to her prevailing dead-ness?)

Now I believe it is Matt (for the 'The' in 'The Eternal Editor' counts.)

Matt: Soren

Not only does Matt love Soren for being "cute", but they share similarities. Soren is a very intelligent, secluded individual. He only trusts one person, and that is Ike (Matt, how dare you not trust me), and he has a strong dislike towards, well, everything. Soren is also a mage (sage if promoted) and both classes have the ability to use magic. Matt is a well renowned witch and witches also have the ability to cast spells. Coincidentally, you could say that Soren is Matt's favourite Fire Emblem character, with the exception of Kyle, his love interest.

Now, we'll have a probably offended, Professor Pisces.

Professor Pisces:


Meet Lucius. Odd name for a lady, yes? That's because it's a man. That is what you call androgynous. Lucius is a monk. These are like mages, however they are limited to only being able to use light magic, which mages can't. I have a feeling that if you straightened Pisces' hair, then he'd look something similar to this (my sincere apologies). Despite him being the most feminine man in the universe (both ours and the Fire Emblem universe), he is pretty cool. He is of very high intelligence and has good stats. He specialises in attack and speed, however his defence and health are very low, much like every magic user in the series.

Now for the Rin of the Rei.

Rinrei: Serra

Sorry, Rinrei. Ah well, this is Serra, a Cleric in the game she's featured in. Clerics are healers that can be promoted to Bishops, which can use light magic. She has an amusing rivalry with the Monk, Lucius. She can be rather evil and demanding, but that's why she's like our lovely Rinrei. Her and Lyndis are fairly close, as Serra was one of the first females to join Lyn's group. Statistically, she has high health (which is unusual for a magic wielder) and the rest of her stats are fairly all rounded. Now I'm going to run, before Rinrei kills me.

BUT! Not until I've covered every last author. To finish, we have our very own, Eternal Editor.

The Eternal Editor: The Black Knight

We come to the Editor, the most feared and formidable member of our blog. The Black Knight is a mysterious, powerful and overall terrifying unit. When he appears, he'll just sit and wait for someone to walk by. When they do, they WILL die. But that's just his job. Much like our Editor, he'll just sit and edit a post (most likely Rinrei's), and if anyone complains, they WILL die. By which I mean they'll get an e-mail from an angry Editor saying that he's just doing his job. Moral to this story, don't upset the Editor, or the Black Knight for that matter. Do either of the two, and it will not end well.

So I believe I have covered everyone. Now I'm going to run from a Rinrei and a possibly angry Pisces. Until next time, my friends.

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