Friday 25 May 2012

A Premier to Attend and a Series to Watch

Tomorrow, something quite interesting is occurring that I'm sure you'll all be interested in. A friend of mine - a certain Dan, in fact - has written for himself a series of Audio Plays entitled 'Plan of Action'. Today at midnight (American time) he releases the first video.

As far as I'm aware, the series is to be about astronauts and an uninhabited planet that shows signs of being previously inhabited. This would, of course, have major implications. Recorded by himself, it's quite the achievement to write and record an Audio Drama such as this singlehandedly.

Please join Dan and co. over at his YouTube channel to join in with the 'premier' of Season 1. Even if you can't make it, please do watch or listen to the vids - they're set to be very interesting. Join him at

Thanks folks - I'm going to enjoy the premier at my own time, meaning five or six in the morning tomorrow.

A passage of time later... Here's the video, newly released over the Internet by the writer, producer and director, Dan. Whoever said that men couldn't multitask?

Enjoy, people. And do press the little 'Like' button and drop a comment.

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