Tuesday 1 May 2012

May 2012 Update

There isn't actually all that much to report for April, except for an infestation of lethargy and general unwillingness to write very much. There's also the fact that I won Script Frenzy, but that hardly matters at this point. You should know already anyway.

So, April... That time of the year when not all that much that's very interesting decides to occur. I'm hoping this will pick up over the next 30 days, but I somewhat doubt it. Rinrei and EMoC have taken an extended leave of absence for matters higher than pretty much anything else, while Matt's been being lazy and growing fat on lethargy. He complains of being bored, and then doesn't do anything but sit there. I tell you, when people say that there's nothing to do, they're wrong: There's lots to do; they just don't want to do it.

On the other hand, Bill's been fairly successful this month, and The Editor has been unusually alive, considering that Rinrei sent her army of sheep after his some time ago. As for myself, Pisces, I have done little, but what I have done has been successful. That is all. Anyway, I had Script Frenzy, so leave me alone.

*          *          *

So what's up for May? Well, all I can say at present is that it's a big month (literally - it has a 31st) and that we plan to do grossly obese things in it. Or rather, matt does. I just intend to be more active.

And I swear, here and now, if EMoC does't do something this month I will forcibly remove her teeth from her mouth like a small child does barnacles.

That is all.
   With regards for the month,

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