Tuesday 8 May 2012


   Finally and fivemostly, I'm going to point out that Evil does not have an excuse for her lack of content, as even though she is on study leave, she still seems to have plenty of time for things that aren't, well, studying.

   That out of the way, I would like to point out that I am not obese. It just happens to be a coincidence that I have had an excuse to not post for the last ever. But I can't tell you that excuse. That would be wrong. Unless of course your name is Norbert. But let's not venture down that road.

   Unless your name is Norbert. In which case, read the following. If your name is anything but Norbert, stop reading immediately or be condemned to have acorns fall out of your hair and eyes at unbelievably inconvenient moments. Or something to that magnitude.
For the last seven hundred and seventy years, people have not been very interesting. I would know, because I was told by a friend of a friend. Or maybe not. But as it turns out, all the interesting people are unbelievably lazy. Or something to that respect. Unless they have names like Norbert.
   If you read that and your name isn't Norbert, then you should really listen more often. Otherwise, if your name is Norbert, then now you know all the secrets of the universe. Apologies if anyone reading is actually called Norbert. I've been lying the whole time.

As a final note, Killer Whales!

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