Saturday, 16 June 2012

Gustav Klimt

This post has nothing to do with Gustav, nor the Klimt, I shall reluctantly admit. It is in fact to do with the results of the research I conducted on our lovely Matt.

I say, to your expectations, that the answer is: No, he will always be strange, no matter what the cost. This is rather pleasing to hear, for it means he isn't two-faced or, dare I say it, normal. Matt is the core of the blog's silliness and that's what makes him loved. Did I have anything else to say? Ah, yes.

A big warm welcome to our Professor on his return! I would have welcomed him in person, but it saddens me to say that I've been ill for a few days. However, that is all in the past, and we strive to move forward.

My friends, authors and internetters, I bid you another farewell.

Oh, and for all you facebook fanatics, please have a look at this beautiful man and LIKE him:


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