Monday 18 June 2012

The MPs Are Dead.

I'm posting this as a general announcement. I have hereby removed all sections of the story 'How the MPs Stole Christmas' from the blog. Why? Well, the answer's simple. If I come across a particular competition accepting stories less than ten thousand words in length based on either a political or Christmassy theme, I would quite like to be able to say "Here! I wrote this," and win the competition. That's unlikely to happen if it's online. So that's the reason.

This, for you authors, means that the number of posts currently published has fallen by approximately fifteen posts. I know that The Editor likes his figures, so this bit's for you, Ed.

Aside from anything else, I'm embarking on an extensive edit, so I'll end up with something pretty different to what I started out with when it's finished. that's just an extra reason for you. Meanwhile, have a picture of Zanta Claws.

Zanta, Zanta, Zanta...

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