You know those times when you've written something that you're incredibly proud of? Most people read it because they like it and they make a habit of commenting on it, saying how good it is or giving you criticism on it. It's only good manners to give out advice if you read something you don't think is top notch and respect author's wishes when they don't like certain parts of your advice.
However, there are those that lurk in the internet waiting for something like this to happen so they can comment. And the comments are not nice. They don't even tell you how to improve. Usually, they just end up saying things like: OMG, THIS SUCKS! GO DIE OR SUMTHING. They can't even spell 'something'. Even if you go ahead and check out their account to see what they've written, you'll realize that most of the time their writing either sucks or they haven't written anything.
Most of the time, all you see are comments. And most of the time, these comments are about how bad other's writing is without being able to spell themselves. Clearly their writing skills are far too brilliant for us and we are unworthy of their writing. Hell, not even Stephen King is good enough for them.
So, to these writing 'trolls', thank you for commenting on our little pieces of work. Thank you, haters, for letting us know our works are so bad that they make you ashamed to be a writer. But how do you expect us to improve without telling us, but instead telling us to go die in a hole? Ooh, go tell us, you lovely honey, you (oh dear, did I just say that?).
Now, to summarize, here's a little jingle.
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