Friday 4 November 2011

Death in Paradise, Episode Two - An Episode Review

Episode image for Episode 2

The BBC has aired the second episode of the new crime drama 'Death in Paradise and, as is my humble duty, I must review it for the sake of churning out more posts.

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DI Richard Poole (Ben Miller, pictured above in the foreground) must take charge of the Saint-Marie Honore Police Force as their new chief after the last one got bumped off. While in search of a cup of decent tea, he and his partner, Camille (Sara martins, seen dimly in the background of the picture above), witness a bride fall from her balcony.

Of course, she just had to have been murdered by a bolt from a spear gun, So Richard has another case to close on the small Caribbean Island.

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Delightfully thought out, this is another of those brilliant crime dramas that draws you in, taking an hour of your time every week so that you may watch the thing. Wonderful characters come in the forms of DI Richard Poole, Camille and Fidel. All work well as a team, and I suddenly can't remember the name of the older guy who seems to spend a large amount of his time chasing young female tourists. Wonderful.

But that's beside the point. The fact is that there's a definite good match of mixed characters: Richard with his sarcasm, complete hate of the Caribbean and slightly superior attitude, Camille with her 'let's-have-fun' personality coupled with a determination to see a case through, Fidel with his naivety and general usefulness and the old guy with his experience and slightly tainted sense of duty.

The result is that the series is working well so far. They work well together and seem natural enough. Richard's lack of moral support goes further to make the situation seem real enough and tangible, while binding the characters together a bit more.

To the story now. This story is not as good as the first, but it's still good. The lack of motive concerning the bride's murder is what really puts me off for this one. Based mostly around there being a motiveless killing, it's very hard for the viewer to realise what has happened until the good DI explains it in a lengthy description punctuated by flashes of what he sees happening in his mind. I hate not being able to guess who did it. Usually I put it down to a lack of physical evidence, or maybe the author or producer hasn't given us enough detail on a character. That annoys me.

But, apart from that, it's all very good.

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The ratings now. Solid seven. No buts. It was a good episode, with opportunities for Ben Miller to excercise his supply of expressions and sarcastic sighs. The story was a bit off, but interesting for sure. The characters developed more, which I enjoyed seeing, and Richard actually complimented someone. (Gasp! Shock horror! I look up at the skies to check that they aren't falling yet.)

So, all things considered, very enjoyable, but plotwise it was a little insecure. I thought the solution was a little shaky.

And that's me. You can check the website by clicking this link:

The website's alright. Gives you some info and acts as a portal to the iPlayer pages.

So I'll see you next week with another report on Death in Paradise.

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