Saturday 26 November 2011

The Final Five - A Story of the Metaphysical

Whoa. The Final Five Days of WriMo have arrived. It's really a testament to how my life's been taken over by NaNo that I'm having interesting thoughts about the Final Five. See for yourself.

The Final Five Days of NaNoWriMo discard their temporal veils to show themselves before me. They stretch in a line before me. I can't really see further than the second of the spectres. The first, a tall, thin man in a long coat with a fedora perched on his head, proffers his hand to me, beckoning for me to take it. I reach for it, and he grasps my fingers in an iron grip. Apparently, there's no heading back a day.
   He drags me forwards and presses me down into a leather swivel chair. I look at him, bemused. He gestures to type. So I do. And I write my story.
   As I do, the second ghostly figure begins to seem a little less ghostly, revealing a medium-height guy in a lab coat. His face is shadowed, but I catch the glint of light on circles of glass. He wears spectacles.
   Funny that, I think. I was intending to write a kind of science or medical themed scene soon. Weird.
   I struggle to write for a bit. I must be getting an attack of Writer's Block. I thump my fist on the computer desk and glare at the blank page that sits on the screen. I need some sort of protection against Writer's Block.
   He taps me on the shoulder. When I turn around, he points to the backpack that has appeared under the desk at which I sit. I reach for it and open it up. Inside is a plastic Viking-style helmet, two horns protruding from the sides. I glance at him quizzically. He wants me to try it on. I'm coming to trust the guy at my shoulder, so I raise it up and plonk it onto my head. Suddenly, everything seems clearer. I know what I have to write.

That pretty much describes what my day has been like so far. If you're a NaNoWriMo participant and are having trouble with Writer's Block in the crucial Final Five days of NaNoWriMo, surrender to the nagging of your inner self, who knows better than you. Wear the helmet!
The description warns that this helmet 'does not improve protection'. Actually, it does. It protects from Writer's Block.
   Now I must write 16,000 words in the next five days. With my Anti-Writer's Block Viking Helmet, which has only now decided to turn up, I'll not be being kept out of the game by the dreaded slayer of writers anymore!

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