Tuesday 22 November 2011

Week Four of NaNoWriMo - Eek!

The end is nearing far too fast. Already, week four of NaNoWriMo is upon us, and I'm feeling the pressure. I'm around 5K behind at present, but I intend to make up lost time. My exact wordcount at the time of publishing this post is, in fact, a brilliant 31,725 words. That makes it the longest thing that I've ever written. And in so short a time period too! I'm so happy.
   Of course, this does in fact mean that I have 18,275 words to go until I can crown myself a NaNoWriMo winner. I have nine days to do it, including today. Luckily for me, I've got time on my side. I've got three days in the other eight that make up NaNo where I can write, write, write all day long! And on one of them, I'll have a friend to encourage and compete with. (That would be Skald, just in case you're all wondering what I'm banging on about.)
   There's still a way to go yet until I can say that I'm safe from the jaws of the monster that is the Novel Devourer, ie the creature that gobbles you and your novel up if you don't reach 50K in time. However, for the first time in maybe two weeks (?) I feel I have a very real chance of winning this thing.
   So now I'm off to write a little more about Accommodation Blocks with secret-keeping carpets. (Reference to my NaNoNovel...)
   NaNo all the way, people!

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