Wednesday 2 November 2011

Mamazeus - A Story From A Friend

Well I'm really not sure what to make of this. Coming from a friend of Matt and I's, I've been given express permission by the author to publish this work.

I must stress that this isn't my own work, so cannot guarantee grammatical perfection. I have agreed to change none of the language used, so as not to take away hidden meanings and subtleties. As such, I also cannot guarantee that this is in fact a work of fiction.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to thee...


Prologue: The Young Lobster
from planet Buerre, Joseph, was sent on a mission to investigate the Seaborg Milk Station which is just next to planet Feeg. When he got there he noticed something strange. All the cartons of milk were cowering in a corner. This is an unusual thing for milk to do unless ther are being robbed so Joseph knew something was wrong. After he got to the main room he saw the all knowing, all powerful bionic being, Mothergene. Joseph has never encountered Mothergene nor has he even heard of her but he knew she meant business. He stood and watched her for a while and she started to self destruct! Joseph scuttled away from Mothergene as fast as he could but he looked back and noticed that she was following him at the exact same speed. He tried to speed up, so did Mothergene. He tried to slow down, so did Mothergene. As he ran a little farther he saw the portal to get back home but just as he was about to enter it, Mothergene exploded in a firey blaze which blew up the entire Seaborg Milk Factory. Joseph got blasted through the portal, followed by a huge amount of milk and chunks of Mothergene. Joseph came flying out of the other side of the portal which was in the nose of a witch called Cackaletta and milk came pouring out of Cackaletta's nose. The injured Joseph survived the ordeal but to his surprise that was only the beggining.

Chapter 1
Back in Buerre, Joseph was in the local milk tavern sipping on an ice cold cup of tea but it was far too hot for him. Just as he was drinking his tea, the Ancient Nose of Los Foskulous came striding through the wooden doors and gave Joseph a sceptical look. Joseph dropped his tea in horror and ran away. The nose however, was a world renowned athlete and caught up to Joseph within seconds. He gave Joseph a bit of a telling off and wandered off into a musket shop. Joseph was distraught from scolding he got and went home. The next day he woke up with a note next to him. It said "Laser." and Joseph gasped as he read it and took a viking longboat to a yard sale so he could buy it again and then went to confront King Fabulous. King Fabulous wasn't home though because he became a pirate and went to sail the eighteen and a half seas. So then Joseph decided to get revenge on Mothergene.

Chapter 2
While Joseph was packing his bags, something shiny floated into the room and flew out the window. This made Joseph really upset and he refused to go back to Seaborg Milk Station until the next chapter.

Chapter 3
The time has come... For Joseph to get his revenge on Mothergene. You may have though that it was impossible to get revenge on something that died in a milky explosion but Mothergene regenerates forty five minutes after she dies. Joseph went outside to the jelli-pad to wait for his ride, but... He looked at the time... 1:04 AM.... Joseph screamed at the top of his nose and hid in a mosque which was full of witches who were dancing to the music of Nightwitch. He tried to escape but it was too late. The clock struck 1:05 AM and the witches went to beat helpless citizens with their tennis rackets until witch o'clock. One witch spotted Joseph and ran towards him screaming her battle cry. But this was Cackaletta and she knew Joseph so she didn't attack him. Joseph asked if he could travel to the Seaborg Milk Station via Cackletta's nose. She politely obliged and Joseph entered the portal.

Chapter 4
Joseph was travelling through the portal when he got knocked out of line by a passing Narooni. And he ended up on the planet Hosking. He landed hard on the ground and looked about, he saw a strange hairy brown creature. He learned that the creature's name was Noselbair and the two became the best of friends. Noselbair invited Joseph for tea but he kindly declined. Noselbair shrugged and said "Oh well.. More Palin for me." And he floated off in the distance. Joseph was left stranded and slowly fell asleep.
The next day he woke up on a pirate ship run by a brash young fruit named Strawbobby. But Joseph preferred to be in the sea than sailing it. So he walked the plank and dived into the ocean where he was eaten by a moai fish...

Chapter 5
The moai fish did not like the taste of Joseph so he spat him out of his ear, sending him flying towards the Seaborg Milk Station. Joseph was in shock when he saw the station. It was the exact same as it was before the explosion but run by Mothergene herself. He walked down the corridor for what seemed like seconds and saw Mothergene. He was about to avenge the milk cartons but she started to self destruct again! Joseph ran down the hall but Mothergene followed at the same speed. But this time, when he got to the end of the hall.... There was no portal...


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