Wednesday 30 November 2011

The Wrimo Journals - Part One

Earlier today my friend Skald invited me to his house to finish NaNoWriMo with Pisces. Of course I complied in order to see my friends suffer. While my writing companions wrote their stories I noted the day's events and decided to stick it on here to show all people what NaNoWriMo does to ones state of mind. So here is my Chronicle of the Final Day.

We all sit writing at the table. I have Pisces' Viking helmet on and a pad of paper in front of me. Pisces sits in front of a computer typing with only two fingers with a plastic bag full to the brim with Rowntree's Fruits Pastilles to his left. Then there is Skald, sitting typing furiously opposite Pisces. He is singing to himself with two empty cups left abandoned to his right. Scraps of paper lie scattered across the dining room table with the tattered remains of sweet packets hidden among the debris.
   Skald's mother comes in holding a jar of skull lollipops, the remains of the Halloween stash. She then gives me an unusual look. Understandable with my lopsided hat on. Cookies have remained on the plate while the apples have been devoured by Skald who is now mouthing the lyrics to a new song.
   His parrot caws loudly in the background, trying to get our attention but we ignore him. Skald's sister, Bats, joins us and distracts us from our work with pictures of Skald as a baby. We laugh as we see thatback then he had short blonde hair. We then spot a picture of Bats. When we complimen her picture self, she bolts into the kitchen. We say nothing more as we are relying on her for dinner.
   Suddenly, Skald and Pisces stop working and switch NaNoDragons. I pick up Skald's and lift it high into the air then hand it back to him. It seems that the two dragons offer two different ideas. One is offering lots of blood and gore and the other is offering Lord-knows-what. Pisces gets the red pyschopathic dragon.
   As the day drones on Pisces begins to get restless and starts to argue with the computer, surely turning mad with NaNoWriMo nearing its end and not having enough words.
   The bird's caws get louder and more frequent as the evening comes and it senses its owners are soon to be fed and he feels he should be allowed to eat also. Skald fails to hear its pleas.
   Suddenly, Bats yells down the stairs. The bin men are working despite the strike. Bats and her mother bolt out of the house like bullets of men and chase after the lorry like hungry blood hounds. They catch up to them without causing injury to any bin men. We return to our routine insanity. Pisces rolls his face across the keyboard, leaving an interesting word on the MS Word document taht he's working on.
   Bats comes in again and picks up the two abandoned cups as I finish my second lollipop asking if we need tea which Skald and I do. I follow her into the kitchen, curious about what kinds of tea she has.
   I take my third lollipop as she comes in and I secure Pisces' Viking hat on my head properly. Soon we have a discussion about Viking thank yous as Skald plans to drink his tea in one. Chances of survival: unlikely. He decides to leave it until another day. We sigh, disappointed.
   When Bats leaves Pisces proceeds to take all the penguins off the plate and balance the cookie between them. He then gently places then back on the plate, as though handling a bomb. He then removes his Viking hat from my head and places it over his hairy head. The bird remains ignored in the background.
   After Pisces finishes his paragraph he removes the hat and places it over a bowl. I pick it up and put it back on my head. Skald removes strands of hair from his earphones and soon we start talking about star wars. I reach for my fourth lollipop as Pisces sniffs the bag of sweets before passing me a sweet.
   Skald suddenly bursts out that he can read our minds. After a few moments Pisces attempts to remove the cookie with a lollipop and then Skald talks to Pisces about books.
   Skald jumps up the stairs. The perfect opportunity to read his story. We discover there is a robot devil involved. We take a moment to explore the dining room before heading back to to our tortuous work. Skald comes pounding down the stairs and gulps down his tea in one, but not before I do. A sugar rush comes kicking in as they begin to talk about their stories. Pisces' true personality is revealed as the main characters entire family committed suicide.
   We tell Skald about changing his story and we show him what we changed upon Pisces' screen. Absolutely nothing. We soon talk about the world being made up of nothing, just like my two companion's stories. Soon Skald shows Pisces a video of the robot devil singing as I read his story. The bird has gone silent. I go to investigate.
   The bird is fine. I see a robot devil rapping. Skald repeats the song to fill the silence. He then begins to dance. The song changes to so that Skald is singing 'Deep-Fried Robot'. The bird lives and is cawing his out-of-tune song. Skald sings and suddenly there is silence. I grab my fifth lollipop. Still no sugar rush.
   More Fruit Pastilles make an appearance. We begin to make references to Dragon Ball Z with power ups and level ups. Pisces reclaims his hat in the process and powers up. We plan to join a TGIO (Thank Goodness It's Over) party and begin to search for places to celebrate.
   Skald leads me to the bin to remove my sweet wrappings. The bin follows behind me as Pisces scratches his back with one of the horns of his helmet. More tea and coffee arrives. We decide to go to a party in the future. We read extracts from other stories to avoid doing our work. It doesn't last long. I reclaim Pisces' hat.
   We decide to take a break and see the amount of words written in Denver. Don't ask why. It's something to do with a writing friend of the Professor's. Apparently, Denver has written over two and a half billion in one day. Then all evidence of writing disappears. Strange, but not as strange as us.
   More cookies are on their way thanks to Bats as I proceed to read Pisces' story while he is in the kitchen. A sixth lollipop is stuck in my mouth.
   Skald is planning to change regions in order to give himself more time. We threaten him with pens and plot to destroy his story completely so he decides against it.
   Madness turns into slight insanity as all the sugar and caffeine sets in and the murmurs of distress make their way into the outside world. I feel giggles forming but shove them forcefully back down my throat. Pisces takes his hat yet again and turns the horns upside down before placing it back on his afro. My hands are not steady enough for me to sort my hair. None the less I continue to eat my lollipop.

That's part one! When you read the next part you shall see our madness to the extreme!

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