Thursday 3 November 2011

NaNo Nearing Fourth Day...

Well, it's now the third day of NaNoWriMo and I'm enjoying it. Two thousand words on the first day, followed by seven hundred and fifty-seven yesterday. That's 2,000 words on Tuesday and 757 on Wednesday. Considering that I have a target of 2,000 words a day and Wednesday is my day off, I'm doing pretty well.

So far, the effects of NaNoWriMo have yet to be seen. I may be a little more tired than usual - yawn! - but apart from that I'm physically fine. Emotionally, I'm becoming progressively crazier, more irritable and infinitely more obsessive. Take today, for example. I've already written 275 words today, and that was this morning at seven o'clock. Since then, I've run through several possible end scenarios, two possible new editions to my elite team of folk and marked at least thirty quizzes in my spare time. Mad. But I must keep busy, or I'll go stir crazy. However, as people that know me and don't see me all the time will tell you, I already am.

I have to say that I'm doing a lot better than some people I know. Matt decided to jump in and try it out but told me today that he 'couldn't be bothered', and Skald of Skald's Tavern spent all his time writing a 2,443 short story instead of NaNo. Oops!

Still, I'd better get cracking if I'm to reach five thousand words by the end of tonight. I bid thee farewell!

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